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Although today was supposed to be a day of relaxation, I actually spent my break working on other projects, so it wasn't really a break at all.

There will likely only be a few sets tomorrow because creating new characters and avoiding repeats requires me to train and gather datasets, which I didn't want to do on a day when I was meant to be relaxing.

I will be back on character requests tomorrow but it will only be two days.

I was too concerned about not having enough new content the next day, so I ruined my relaxation time by attempting to create some sets.

To avoid this, if I take a full day off, the next day will be short on content because I need to prepare the sets for the following day.

I'm sure most people on here are fine if I have a slow day in terms of content; I'm pretty sure that most creators aim for a few sets per day, whereas I do more than three times that daily.

I have a tendency to think one way but forget to consider other options. As if I should have known for a long time that taking a day off and having one slow day of content creation isn't a big deal.

With the freed-up schedule on character requests, I'll need to look into other options than megacloud if I want people to continue to enjoy my content, but megacloud on mobile, and the mobile app's lack of usability, is likely to turn people off.