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So far, I've completed 300 of the last 500 posts, which date back to late September or early October.

After that, I will go through all 100+ Main reQuest posts, attach ZIP files to them, and notify everyone so that access members can download the sets.

ALSO, I'll go back to another 500 posts with early access and repeat the process.

There are approximately 1400+ Early Access posts for cloud members, and they are relatively quick to complete, so it is not nearly as bad as when I posted all cloud tier content on here.





到目前为止,我已经完成了过去 500 个帖子中的 300 个,这些帖子可以追溯到 9 月底或 10 月初。

在此之后,我将查看所有 100 多篇 Main reQuest 帖子,将 ZIP 文件附加到帖子上,并通知所有人,以便访问会员可以下载这些套装。

另外,我还会回到另外 500 个有早期访问权限的帖子,重复这个过程。

云会员大约有 1400 多篇早期访问帖子,这些帖子完成起来相对较快,所以还不至于像我在这里发布所有云级别内容时那样糟糕。


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