Rule34 Diffusion LIVE! Tier officially LIVE! (Patreon)
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Rule34 Diffusion LIVE! Page with the Megacloud Link inside (This is locked behind the $15 Tier):
I had to make a new page since the Cloud Tier page is for $5 and up Tiers.
Live Generated Image Feed.
Benefits: (At the moment LIVE! will have the same Character Commission Benefits as Cloud Plus) It takes a long time to make Cloud Plus already, so adding another character would be a little too much.)
Bloopers and AI Image failures view the failures from my batches that would not typically be uploaded to Cloud Tier Megacloud and Patreon.
If you're online and I've told you that I'm working on a character commission, you can simply go to the Live folder to watch the creation of your commission!
Get access to watermarked works that haven't been posted to Megacloud and Patreon yet at least one or two days in advanced!
*They have to be watermarked with a larger watermark since it is unreleased content (The Cloud Tier watermark, but for LIVE!.
Downloadable unreleased content.