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Translation Friendly || あなたの母国語に翻訳してください。|| 翻译成你的母语。

Tradúzcalo a su lengua materna. || Traduza-o para a sua língua materna.

Übersetzen Sie es in Ihre Muttersprache.

I'm considering sending out a mass message for the forms from now on because it appears that the form was barely used this time around.

This month, I've only had one valid response, another that I almost forgot to confirm with someone but am just now waiting for a response to, and the other response was invalid due to characters being submitted, as well as the username being non-existent (which is fine if they want to be private, BUT*), so I can't confirm who because they never messaged me, and thus it is invalid.

*However, if you use an alternate name, YOU MUST MESSAGE ME or your submission will be missed!!

Form submissions close at 4pm tomorrow, 00:00 / 12:00am UTC.

Scroll to the bottom to submit, but MESSAGE ME as we are nearing the end of this month's submissions!


I can't provide the form links because the leak site will have them and I'll get a lot of random submissions.


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