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Read below if you want: (Note: my motivation is no longer ruined xD, DA is getting the late post treatment so Patreon is now treated as early access)

Deviant Art has kinda ruined my motivation to bother posting on there. since now I have to limit what characters I can post on there(and worry about characters that are over 18 being taken down for no reason, like what happened earlier!). My original goal was to offer the same benefits between the two.

But now it's not going to be the case and I do feel somewhat relived because I wanted to expand my tiers on both platforms but DA has an insanely tedious system on including old content on new tiers. So now DA will be my basic subscription platform (but somewhat limited [requests will be limited to their rules as well]).

Patreon mentioned in the email "all characters in Adult/18+ content must be unmistakably portrayed as adults" and "if a character is canonically underage you need to age them up so they clearly look more mature and adult-like"

Update (I asked chat gpt to clear up the term "canonically"): "In other words, if a character is officially established as underage within the story's canon (canonically underage), they should be visually modified to appear older and more mature when they are depicted in adult content. This is done to comply with age restrictions and to avoid any potential legal or ethical issues related to portraying minors in explicit or adult situations."

This means that REM is of age since she is now currently 19 in the latest cannon story arc of Re:Zero(DA removed her as well)

Now as for the case of Dark Magician she is probably an exception because, they say physically she is 13 somehow, but as for her overall age, it doesn't exist since she is a duel monster.
I never would have thought she was physically that age since I always thought she was over 18 (older than the main characters).



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