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For a while now I had an issue with detailing the intercourse properly,

Almost every time I tried to do it, it would end up making the pussy way too puffy and it always didn't look right. So I was forced to lower the strength of the touch-up, to the point it was barely noticeable.

But now, I discovered a neat trick that allows me to avoid this issue, I had to increase the area of touchup to prevent it.

A smaller area of touchup at the strength I wanted it at, caused it to condense the changes and make the pussy too puffy. I increased the area it touches up and it was able to spread out the changes and no longer makes the pussy overly puffy. This is something I been dying to get right and I'm glad I found out what the problem was.

Bonus: I also used the Missionary model on it as well to assist the touching-up process as well.

I will be trying this out on other sex positions as well and along with the breast touchups maybe I can include this as well so both intercourse and breasts can be fixed at the same time!


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