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I discovered Controlnet Depth Hand Refiner! It's also incorporated in ADetailer too!!!!
It will first detect the hands with Adetailer hand detection, Then run the depth hand preprocessor(this will make a depth image of the hand/surrounding area*) and then touch up with Adetailer!

*Depth image of the hand helps guide the touch up to follow the shape of the hands so it doesn't make the hands wonky or flipped in the wrong direction or not consider the surrounding area.
Looks like I finally found the answer to better hand touch ups! This is going to be awesome  to have for sexy poses since hands show up more often.

Note the hands were WAY worse, not perfect at times but they are passable! I would have not included these if it weren't for this awesome discovery!
Like the first image the hand on the left side had no fingers, they were dug into the bed sheets! While the hand on the right side had combined fingers!

The second image the hand only had 3 fingers.


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