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I got a much better version of her made, her face originally did not look that good(It just looked bad IMO, and I really wanted to preserve her look but still be aged up.

Marin Kitagawa of My Dress-Up Darling | Reverse Cowgirl Finally a better anus too!! Missionary of her is being made*

Now Marin Kitagawa Missionary is fixed too!

Clip skip is the main culprit for lots of changes:

Anus will barely show up on clip skip 2 or 3 for reverse cowgirl and others with ass view,

Skin color of some characters get lightened up on clip skip 3 and sometimes 2! I found out when I did cheelai Reverse cowgirl and noticed her skin looking too light, Dryad girl is another one where her skin changes to a blue green like look on clip skip 2. This also probably explains some of the dark skinned girls I made not looking as dark as they should be! xD

Backgrounds drastically alter if you do clip skip 3, mostly becomes blank or just plain missing.  Or at times the background doesn't match the prompts you put in! (Cheelai, again I wanted her to be in a ship looking like frieza's ship and it was just a bedroom until I fixed clip skip LOL.

**JUST FOUND OUT**Missionary turns into a cowgirl missionary like position on clip skip 1 but clip skip 2 and 3 generally look more like it, see the flipside? why I have to change it often? xD

Imagine this on every setting and prompt you do on this, one small setting can drastically flip things on it's head xD, lots and lots of trial and error and sooo much to keep track of, you forget a setting or more that is the culprit for most failed works xD

Cowgirl, I had to do cip skip 3 because it would be too zoomed in and can barely see the intercourse or it barely fits in! xD

Blowjobs on some will make the character pull back and sometimes extend the lips like a Vacuum cleaner LOL, but also extend the penis and make it look very long!


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