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Not much is getting changed The only difference is I will now have to post my works on patreon but they will be released to cloud members first like they always have been and then available to the other tiers.
Also the content will still be readily available on mega cloud and the website, nothing is changing there, I just need a place to have a secure post to at least prove that I'm the original person.

My first Pixiv account was taken down or at least suspended due to my content not being my work.... And I realized something.
If I make my content available on the cloud but not have it anywhere else I run the risk of someone purposely downloading my early access content and posting it somewhere else and then claiming it as their own and reporting my account on pixiv and possibly on patreon since they would have the advantage to post it there first.

This is the only thing I can think of why my Pixiv account was taken down.
It just makes absolutely zero sense for them to have a reason for that unless that was the case.

So I'm doing this to protect myself in case someone does end up doing it.
I only had Pixiv for about 3 months and suddenly got suspended. This happens soon after I started posting my cloud content as previews. So I'm really hoping that someone didn't do this already.


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