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Hey, come watch Imran take on Mike and Jeff again!


Game Mess Jeopardy


Julien masson-ratel

I saw Imran and now I am wondering if he can beat you guys again. I will be on the edge of my seat


I subbed today in order to actually see whats going on with Game Mess. Im not a fan of Giant bomb but have checked it out a few times. Here for the lads. Here for Jeopardy which is really good but not had a youtube upload in months. Im subbing, watching the 3 or 4 eps not on Youtube then dipping out. Didnt want to wait to see if they were ever coming over.

Andy Lokken

I also subbed just for jeopardy. I know everyone is busy, especially Sean, but I might have to unsub. I genuinely feel like I’m paying for something that I’m not getting.