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Hey everyone,

We've seen an influx of support in the last week, and I want to say how much I really appreciate it. Things may seem dire at Giant Bomb, but everyone on the team over there is committed to pushing forward. Hopefully, now that we've been stripped to zero, we can build back up into something even better.

Meanwhile, here at Game Mess, we just want to keep creating a fun place to hang out and talk about video games. Relationships are the most important factor when it comes to happiness and longevity, and I don't take that lightly when it comes to our community. I don't go to church and I don't have a regular D&D game. I have y'all. 

Let's keep it going. 

In the meantime, if you're new, make sure to join the Discord (and tie your Discord to your Patreon to get into the secret channels. 

And check out the latest Game Mess Jeopardy, which you can watch before everyone else: https://youtu.be/2amzQ3CKgls

If you have any questions, please ask in the Discord!


Dr. Suss

Am I banned from the Discord? Someone at least let me know so I can stop paying...

Greg K

What happened at Giant Bomb..?