Where are my Panties? (Cover) (Patreon)
Hey guys.
I know you don’t like it when I write big piles of text, but I’m pretty sure you will be interested in this one.
When I finished drawing “Chain Reaction”, I wanted to start working immediately on the next chapter, but… Here’s the thing, my life has been quite a “festival” of unexpected events, and I was loaded with work since at that time I was also working on my “Quagmire into the Multiverse” story. And that’s pretty much why I couldn’t even start working on it.
But when I finally finished Chapter 1 of “QITM”, I could finally sit down and focus on making the second chapter for my “Vise City” saga. Remember I told you that I want this story to run as long as possible, and that’s what I will try to do.
So now I want to show you the Cover for Chapter 2 which will go by the title “Where are my Panties” and will be a direct Sequel to “Chain Reaction”. This comic will contain a total of 27 fully colored pages. Patrons with a pledge equal or higher than $10 will get one page ever week, while Patrons with a $5 pledge will get one every two weeks.
And I know some of you will ask… “And when can we see the comic?”.
I planned on starting next week, but due to the series of unexpected events I’ve been facing lately… the most probable outcome would be to post the first page in about two weeks. But I’ll let you know.
As always, the publishing of this new chapter won’t interfere with my current projects.
“Choose your Own Vise City Story” will continue to be posted every two weeks, along with the polls, Gifs and all those pics.
I hope you all enjoy this new chapter, the same way you enjoyed the last one.
Thank you all for your support.