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"In Response to being asked for Anal 03"

It is always fun to think how our favorite characters respond to this question.

Hope you like

P.S. I know I should have published the new Choose your Own Story page this week. But I've been very busy and I have not been able to work on it. I promise to have it finished next week.



Marc Hill

The main character was a wuss for not tapping that. There, I said it


Looking great, of course we know who is talking


Para cuando la siguiente página de elije tu propia historia???


I'm loving all of these parts! Please keep em coming! :3


The anal is amazing in your art

Marc Hill

This is the first time that someone was ready and willing. Got any ideas on who to draw next?


I think doing polls for this series would be great or even doing a suggestion post would be pretty cool lol


He was an ardent follower of the rule “don’t stick your dick in crazy”.