Vtaw Wardrobe8 V1.0 (Patreon)
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Main file comes with Premade meshes those uses (Vtaw outfit V3, nude) body presets. Outfits are made with those body shapes they have no distortions, and have better shapes then bodyslides.
For bodyslides i take premade meshes and downscale them to fit base CBBE body, this creates distortions, destroys the original shape of the outfit.
Shoes that come with my mod's has Full CBBE body uses Slot 33 (this replaces default body) and are used as a base for your outfits.
Bodyslides dosent change the shape of shoes only the body shape.
Body Presets are included with Bodyslides
Some stats
Vtaw wardrobe 7 4K Main file 5 GB
Vtaw wardrobe 7 4K Materials 20.5 GB 1130 Files
Item list ~160
Vtaw wardrobe 8 4K Main file 7.2 GB
Vtaw wardrobe 8 4K Materials 46 GB 2574Files
Item list ~280
Delete old version's
For Physics Download this: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/39088
Fastest way to get all items: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/42520
High Heels System: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/39850
2K vs 4K difference.
1. Download : Main file V1.0 (.esp, meshes, base texture set)
2K textures:
Google Drive
4K textures:
2. Material swaps: V1.0
2K textures:
Plaid skirt missing leather texture
Google Drive
4K textures:
3. Bodyslides: V1.0