'Ziggy' & Josh (small) (Patreon)
(His name is a place holder for now) Just wanted to finish up the series of the lynx character for now, with him off to the shower with Joshua. I could easily have planned out a whole comic series, of them in the communal shower area and then turning the lights out so no one sees, and they get flirty with each other. And this is the end results 🤩
There will be the vest off' image as to be expected. Im also currently working on the angle from behind of whats going on. Will drop that too as soon as its done.
As for 'Ziggy' Soft Claws? (maybe his glam rock name, I put the face makeup that Bowie had on. I was listening to a Bon Jovi song - Raise your hands and I can just imagine him rocking out to that song 😎 give it a listen and see what you think.