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I extended the background so that its doesnt have those annoying black bars on the sides :P

(Sadly, it seems I cant upload the mp4 video version (yet) its still an early access thing + have to be safe for all audience.. which my stuff really is not haha) A shame as I added sound and everything. Oh well.

I do want to come back to this and 'finish' Kovu off ;P I so want to be in his place in this image



Serph Bravin

In the future, it might be better to put animations like this as separate files, instead of embeds. A 400mb gif doesn't really load well


Yeah, not a bad shout. You thinking maybe the file saved somewhere and people just grab the link to download it?

Serph Bravin

Patreon does have the option to put a file on a post for download, without it loading. I'm only a customer, not a creator, so I've no idea what the options look like when you're making a post.


You could create a dropbox or google drive account to drop mp4 version of animations.


Yeah I managed to drop the mp4 in my google drive. I posted it incase you missed it :)