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Hi gang, 

Just an update, I'm running behind again this week on releasing an image. I wanted to get it done by Friday (today) but got side tracked half way with another idea that popped into my head of Sonic so got that scribbled down while the idea was there and went back to the pic I was originally working on. 

I dont want to rush it but give it a little more love and attention. Hope you understand :3

Have a great weekend. all my love ❤

Hopefully see some of you on Discord sometime this weekend :P


Castore Devon

You're one of my best patreon pledge so far. Don't worry at all


Hehe whatever you post is always great to see man, and good to know Sonic is still on ya brain haha love your Sonic art x3


Aww thank you Castore 😭 I do hope to give better value for money ❤


Hehe thanks Hyde. Though its 2019 Gremlin Sonic so dont get too excited xD

Castore Devon

I know that emoji is not a sad one on the context but, save the tears, there are a lot of reasons to be blue (having mine too since a lot now) so....like the meme says "no more tears, only dreams now" 😂💦