DJ's first Photoshoot (traditional and digital color) (Patreon)
One of my old faves, which I think about re-doing sometime, as I like the way he's posing his whole self~ <3
Here's the traditional made coloration and the earlier colored digital version!
The digital colored one was actually my first tablet/photoshop colored artwork ever, after that I colored the line art traditionally, when I had enough markers back then
As always, please no sharing on other sites, no using and/or editing without explicit permission!
-Bristol artist paper A4 sized
-light table for sketch transfering
-squishy eraser
-copic multiliner 0.05
-copic markers (traditional) / Adobe Photoshop CS2 + cheap A4 sized tablet, whose name I forgot
-overall time around 8-10 hours
Art and Character are © to me