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Hello dear supporting folks!

As a kind of a birthday special, (I turned 33 on 20th x3) I wanted to post a collab my dear fried Reptile Cynrik and I did a while ago, for my supporters in high detail scans including all the WIP shots I received and collected!

The pic was sketched out by Reppy before I worked over the whole anatomy, before Reppy used his amazing pencil-magic to craft this beautiful traditional pencil artwork.
And yes, the blue eyes are traditional made as well, a nice touch in monochrome artworks in my opinion. <3

This pic basicially was a birthday gift from him to me, he did for me some years ago and I want to share this awesome piece of adult art together with you. <3
I even edited the main file to have a more ambient appearing look in warmer sepia tones, which I think turned out nice. <3

Thank you really much for keeping up the support and stay with me during those still tough times (Germany is so effin slow about vaccinating people and their constant chnge in restrictions and laws is causing headaches xp), you're super duper awesome and everyone of you deserves snugs and smooches. <3

-A3 sized artist paper
-Photoshop for the sketching
-light table
-Various artist pencils

As always, please no sharing on other sites, no using and/or editing without explicit permission!

Thank you <3<3



Taylor Vich

Holy freaking cow... looks like I chose a great time to finally pay you back for all the great art you've shared X3 Happy Birthday!


What a mega nice birthday gift you received there. You can be very happy for the friends you have :3 Happy Birthday to you!