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Here you have the high res scan of the pic for the 10th anniversary artwork of my fursona DJ Darkfox, who I created in December 25th 2006. <3

Did the same scanning procedure of 12x scanning and puzzling together in 2016, scanning A2 art with an A4 scanner is tough work. XD

I still love the amount of sharp lining details I got to do on this large image size, I just wished there was better quality paper in these sizes as that one was made on rather... well, I dont want to say cheap paper, but heck, it sure wasnt marker friendly at all, it literally ate up a batch of markers. XD
But still, I love the outcome even today. <3

Anyways, enjoy it. <3

Also... big big thanks to all friends and artists who supported and   inspired me during that time, I wouldnt be here if you wouldnt have  been  there for me, this is all highly appreciated <3


-A2 sized artist paper 250g/m²
-Copic Multiliners 0.1 gray, warm gray, black
-light pad
-Copic markers, Touch Markers, Stylefile markers
-Acryl paint
-colored pencils

Art and character are all mine and Newberrychucks!

Unautorized   repost, modification,  editing and so on is strictly forbidden,  respect  the artists creations  and the work they put in, art theft  causes us  artists to harm our  financial stable lives and artistic  output, thank  you. <3



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