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We are officially half way through the crowdfunding campaign for Into the Wilds Battlemap Books, and have just broken our £75k Stretch Goal!

This means that a new set of maps has been added, the ‘Base Terrain Battlemaps’ set.

We have been listening to feedback from backers of the previous Kickstarter, and one request that came up quite a bit was a way to extend the area around the battlemaps. To solve this we have created 10 new fold out maps for the most common basic terrain features of the maps in the books.

The 10 base maps are Dirt, Grass, Cavern, Sand, Ocean, Snow, Rock, Dungeon, Planks and Flagstones. They are printed on the same material as the XL fold-out maps included in the Volume box sets, are fully dry-erase compatible and work with our re-usable asset stickers. All the same functionality as the map books themselves. The fold-out maps also come printed with 1' inch grids, the same as the books.

The basic terrain maps are all 34x22inches, double the size of the map books and can be combined with them in a number of ways depending on your needs. They will come in their own box for easy storage and transportation, but also fit in the larger volume boxes if needed.

The Base Terrain Map set will be included for free in the 'Triple Volume Box Set' and 'All the Books + VTT' tier pledges, and will be available for everyone else as an add-on for a special Kickstarter price of £20 (usual retail price is £25). The digital files for all 10 maps will also be added to the Complete Digital Bundle.

Back the Kickstarter and find out more HERE




Simon 'Landmine'

Now, those are an excellent idea - gives those spellcasters and archers somewhere to stand back for their ranged attacks (and enough space that folk will have to charge into combat rather than just sauntering, as befits an encounter with more open surrounds).