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MANIFEST URL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3revy9bg14lq7m6/module.json?dl=1

This next Foundry module from the Tom Cartos Back catalogue is The Beard & Barrel Brewhouse Ruins from the Ruins of Ostenwold series.

This Foundry module pack includes all of the maps and variants pre-setup with walls & lighting.

Installation instructions are included in a 'read me' file in the download package and can also be found here.

These scenes will be added to Moulinette Cloud at the end of the month.

Alternatively you can use the Manifest URL to install the module directly in the Foundry App. To use the Manifest URL:

  • Go to 'Add-On Modules' in the start up screen.
  • Select 'Install Module'
  • Copy/Paste the Manifest URL from above into the 'Manifest URL' box
  • Hit 'Install'




I got an "Installation failed: k is not defined" error when I tried to install the module in foundry through the install module page

Taro Köck

Hey Tom! I've installed the Package on my Foundry. It won't show up in my available Scenes folder. Could you please update this package, so it does work with other Gamesystems than DnD5? Thank you very much Taro


I'm with the same error "Installation failed: k is not defined". Could you help us, Tom? Thanks >.<


The pack has been updated so should hopefully now work. V10 changed the way some of the manifest information is read so we are still figuring out the bugs. Let me know if you are still having issues


The pack has been updated so should hopefully now work. V10 changed the way some of the manifest information is read so we are still figuring out the bugs. Let me know if you are still having issues


The pack has been updated so should hopefully now work. V10 changed the way some of the manifest information is read so we are still figuring out the bugs. Let me know if you are still having issues


Tried again and received the same error. I am still on version 9 if that helps


You may need to update to v10. The new version has changed how the manifests are read, so they may not be backwards compatible to v9. It is working correctly on v10 for me and my testers.

Taro Köck

Hey Tom, sorry I've been busy and looked just now. The update to V 1.0.4 helped. still no Thumbnails but that is a non-issue for me just import and regenerate using the foundry function

The Pinger

do i need setup levels for foundry ?


Hi Pinger! If you want to use 3rd party modules you will need to set them up yourself. We only use core functionality of Foundry in our packs.