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I just realized that the twitter link I had posted was broken, so I updated it to another one. Also, I add a link to my instagram. I wish I could update it in a more Patreon-integrated way.

My instagram: https://www.instagram.com/foamy.scatina/

My twitter: https://twitter.com/MeriendaSuper

Finally, I would like to tell you that due to an error on this social network, the money for the last month has been debited to nowhere, so I do not know if the payment for the month of May has been lost. I hope Patreon support gets back to me sometime. I'm still waiting for a response since the 6th.

Thank you all very much for the kind support



Oh dear! Hopefully Patreon is able to send a remittance order to fix it!


I hope so. I was going to write this post just to talk about my social media, but I felt the need to say it at the last minute.