Piles and piles of sketches! The time has come to get to work (Patreon)
Well, after years and years of drawing what I always liked, it was time to work. For a long time I dedicated myself to illustrate all kinds of situations, stories and fantasies on paper. Sometimes I illustrated them digitally to share with the community, but most of the time I was relegating it to, instead, devote myself to commissions.
This is why I present these photos. To show you that, thanks to the foundation of this space in Patreon, I will take advantage of your support to dedicate myself to illustrate each and every one of these scenes, one by one. The oldest manuscript dates from 2011, and I have been developing them regularly since then.
Anyway, I hope to know what you think about it. If they have any particular preference, fixation or fetish. I hope to serve you with the same dedication and attention as well, in the same way that I do it with this work.
Thank you very much for the support!