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I wanted to write you something I've thought about. Thank you for supporting me in this work. I know that I tend to have an irregular publishing rhythm and that perhaps I don't know how to draw what is most impressive and desirable. But I still want to thank all of you. To those who have been there since the beginning, to those who join as time goes by. Also those who come, leave. Maybe they come back, maybe not. But they have been curious about my work.

Thank you all very much for making me feel accepted and part of society. I think it's thanks to you that I feel like I found my place in the world, even if just a little.

I don't know if you understand what I'm writing but thank you very much for your presence.

I think I'm also lazy. If I don't get inspired by an idea, I usually can't draw. Because of that, I am sharing again the drawing of my avatar that I made a few years ago for Christmas.

Anyway, thanks for everything. I'll be away for a few days over Christmas but maybe I can post something before the end of the year, I think.

Thank you very much to all!



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