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Suho | 1 to 3: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wrlwx7xxmh639hpzihth5/Suho-1-to-3.mp4?rlkey=h02gm6jm8f26mp5oqylrdxh27&st=65rwjzqy&dl=0

Chen | Door: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jb1qahsb8y5exv7yvbfic/Chen-Door.mp4?rlkey=wz494ainufy80loxu9lft79q9&st=zm7rvulq&dl=0

D.O. | Blossom: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/0mwdws4myv3xc1sf6fu37/D.O.-Blossom.mp4?rlkey=7vpw1rpfqntwo9d5vak2xbhol&st=5c8hp2q7&dl=0

D.O. | Expectation: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pm361r70pxoc9v0ogcfkd/D.O.-Expectation.mp4?rlkey=t3viei1ygzi4irm50lc2xe89y&dl=0

Chen | Polaris: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/p906deu9ox2wzmv6t2rez/Chen-Polaris.mp4?rlkey=mofbb23e2r0c5t37r0ixzcv4d&dl=0

EXO | Exist: https://www.dropbox.com/s/02mxjo5cghzkxv1/EXO%20%7C%20Exist.mp4

Kai | Rover: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0ds6idi1zmfqf5n/Kai%20%7C%20Rover.mp4

Chen | Last Scene: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1mi7q340xcbg7rc/Chen%20%7C%20Last%20Scene.mp4

Xiumin | Brand New: https://www.dropbox.com/s/a2ig180mgbvrc2q/Xiumin%20%7C%20Brand%20New.mp4

Suho | Grey Suit: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qvkhoq9s5sj84hr/Suho%20%7C%20Grey%20Suit.mp4

EXO | Sing For You: https://www.dropbox.com/s/aoz0mnxc0v9ytcg/EXO%20%7C%20Sing%20For%20You.mp4

Kai | Peaches 2nd Mini: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gg2j1yey0t8v1qm/Kai%20%7C%20Peaches%202nd%20Mini%20Album.mp4

Lay | East: https://www.dropbox.com/s/msxhipk4z8b7or6/Lay%20%7C%20East.mp4

D.O. | Empathy: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xe20sowyt3c33dc/D.O.%20%7C%20Empathy.mp4

EXO | Love Me Right: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3ql1nk65r78kifc/EXO%20%7C%20Love%20Me%20Right.mp4

EXO | Don't fight the feeling: https://www.dropbox.com/s/puzohc0h4wi0f6p/EXO%20%7C%20Don%27t%20fight%20the%20feeling.mp4

Baekhyun | Bambi: https://www.dropbox.com/s/runotv3lvjpla1i/Baekhyun%20%7C%20Bambi.mp4

Baekhyun | Baekhyun: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4v3cduph05jhgl5/Baekhyun%20%7C%20Baekhyun.mp4

EXO | Countdown: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cxuu9dt0znqyzrj/EXO%20%7C%20Countdown.mp4

Kai | Kai 1st Mini: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xl2yasgbdjlv7fu/Kai%20%7C%20Kai%201st%20Mini%20Album.mp4

Lay | Lit [Part 2]: https://www.dropbox.com/s/n4x8cpmdbs9sghz/Lay%20%7C%20Lit%20%5BPart%202%5D.mp4

EXO-SC | 1 Billion Views: https://www.dropbox.com/s/olu6ki2el73z5kq/EXO-SC%20%7C%201%20Billion%20Views.mp4

Lay | Lit: https://www.dropbox.com/s/aqncm9sxscjok8q/Lay%20%7C%20Lit.mp4

Baekhyun | Delight: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rl2to1epbxf8sk7/Baekhyun%20%7C%20Delight.mp4

EXO | Love Shot: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fmra1e1tz9luzq0/Album%20Review%20EXO%2C%20AOA%2C%20Twice%204-20-20.mp4

Suho | Self-Portrait: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5w5hez5aw5ojnki/Suho%20%7C%20Self-Portrait.mp4

EXO | Obsession: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kinm901l655d6em/EXO%20%7C%20Obsession.mp4

Chen | Dear my dear: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wy9c2uzb7avtywd/Chen%20%7C%20Dear%20my%20dear.mp4

EXO | LOTTO The 3rd Album Repackage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zR_7_beywE8

Baekhyun | City Lights: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9tz1e6j522az2s8/Baekhyun%20%7C%20City%20Lights.mp4


Suho | 1 to 3.mp4

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Polaris is a fantastically crafted album that is perfect for listening anytime (though I suggest listening to it while driving because blasting it in the car was worth it). My favorites were Mirage on Flower and Break Out. I keep imagining an anime MV using One Piece where Luffy fights Kaido and Break Out as the song. Also, you didn't miss videos for the other songs; it was planned for the other songs to be pre-released before Polaris and Light of My Life came out!


Expectation feels really warm to me. The whole album is comforting and really showcases the richness of Kyungsoo's voice. This is the perfect album for starting off the colder months and I think it'll be a staple for me


Hey Ben, so I always make sure to join up and watch all your EXO and EXO member album reactions, so today, I am here for Blossom! And didn't D.O. decide to heal the whole damn world with this album?! Some people get so annoyed with him because he keeps not doing R&B albums, and I just want to shut their mouths and tell them to open their ears and listen to the damn album. He doesn't need a grinding beat, he just needs a piano, or an acoustic guitar, and his voice. Heck, he doesn't need any instrument at all. There is a clip of Almost Time with the music removed, just Soo's layered vocals, and it is HAUNTINGLY gorgeous. I dunno. I'm with you, this album is just what the doctor ordered, ad what a way to jump start spring!

Phu Mone Linn

Hey Ben, I love your reaction to EXO. Today I listen the "Door" reaction and I literally cried when I watched the "Empty" and then I come to patreon and watched your reaction to the whole album and I cried second time when I heard " Dandelion" . I don't know but those 2 songs makes me really emotional. And the rest of the song are amazing too.