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In a recent "Hyper By Decrees" page I had Emi basically making out with Lina's cock, and it went over pretty well and gave me ideas to expand on that concept with Bianca and Mano (or "Luna" as Bianca prefers to call her). It's also kind of fun to show Bianca not being in total control for once.



Geoffrey M Westlock

It seems like the greatest love of Bianca's life is the mood goddess. What if they mood goddess came back to check on Jenna, or something like that and got a cold shoulder/angry wife attitude from Bianca which made her want to try to woo Bianca (something she never ever does) ? Just a random thought for how to tie this moment into the "present" Also, have conflicts between the mood goddess and Bianca over how to raise their daughter: Jenna would be funny to see