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Hi everyone, my wife, who you may recall has, for the most part, taken over inking duties for me (although I did ink the last couple of pinups I drew) is curious about whether people want to see more of her inking process, so she asked me to start this poll.

She's the type who enjoys streaming her work, so to start she's wondering if anyone would want to go to a patrons-only stream as she works on inks. It wouldn't be guaranteed that she'd stream every page, but she would probably end up streaming most of them.

She's also curious if anyone wants to see the PSD file of her inks. I actually flatten the image down when she sends it to me, to keep the file size down, but she actually does her inks in multiple layers, and anyone interested in her technique could probably learn a lot from them.

I'll go ahead and give both ideas their own option in the poll, and if you're interested in both just click both options

I'm also limiting this poll to $5+ Patrons, since they're the ones who get early access to comic pages anyway



Well I would like to see myself as I am trying to improve ;p, although it is unlikely I would every be able to catch a stream... I tend to be fast asleep unfortunatly.


I'm not an artist, but I'm interested to both the streams (or video files of them, because our time zones are quite different ^^) and PSDs. It's always good to learn new, good things :)