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So the vampire hunter story won the poll! There was some concern about the fact that the poll allowed users to vote more than once... I'm going to try and adjust it so that users only get one vote... or maybe go for having one vote per day. But either way if it was abused by one or two users it really wasn't by much... one person with ten minutes to spare could have easily fed 500 votes to one option, but fortunately no one chose to do that. Still, for the future we've decided to restrict voting a bit more. So look forward to the first page of this vampire story soon! Jenna's outfit is based on her Victorian riding jacket from her dream sequence. There will be a few more changes to the design in the actual page, but this was just a quick sketch to get an idea of what we're going to go for.



John Doe

Could we maybe have some of the other choices (like the top 3) from that poll within this vampire story ? As a way of balancing things out.


That works. The page I'm working on already includes Frottage with the nun, since that was neck and neck with the vampire story anyway.


Well...it's universally known (...isn't it?!? ^___^) that hermaphrodite hunters/vampires have very strong and naughty...."appetites". They can use their..."weapons" (...ehm) to get their purposes and, as supernatural is involved, you can never know what will happen (mind control, monsters, use of weird tools, etc) :D I'm sure that Transmorpher and Doc will do a great job, as usual ;)