6-11 (Patreon)
2014-12-03 00:37:27
This page was kind of interesting for how much time I spent in the roughs part of that last panel. Normally I do fairly quick roughs with just a focus on character positions, then spend some time cleaning things up, fixing anatomy, then getting into the pencil stages the focus is more on design. Occasionally disregarding actual anatomy for something that would look more erotic. Anyway, in the roughs stage the story Dr. Sharktopus came up with had a specific pose in mind, and I was having trouble finding good reference for it. There's plenty of reference for girls giving eachother rimjobs, but the focus on this was supposed to be showing that off and also showing Jenna filling her condom even more... which I couldn't find any good reference that would let me fit that in. So essentially I just had to combine a few different reference pics in one, plus just do a lot of freehand stuff to get it right. Although I suppose it all balances out, because the actual inks and shading on this page went fairly fast compared to some of the others. I hope you all like the look of the page, but as always I'm open to criticism and suggestions.