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I spent all of today working on the cover for chapter 8. It came out way better than I thought it would... It's already up for the patrons who pledged $5 or more per month. Some friends have talked about their patreons and mentioned having higher costing tiers with more esoteric goals... like live streams and chats. That sounds interesting, but I'm not sure it's something that readers for this comic would be interested in paying extra for. But luckily we have a zero cost contest going on right now for anyone looking to get a commission of practically anything you want; it's not limited to characters from this comic or anything, although it will have to be something that I can post on the main page as an update. Simply post a link to this comic at http://bananacreamcake.the-comic.org literally anywhere on the internet, then post a comment on here (or send an email to doctorsharktopus@yahoo.com) with a link to where you made the post and you'll be entered in a raffle to decide who gets the free commission. It's one entry per person, so don't feel pressured to spam the series endlessly just to get your odds up. I want some way to say thanks for those of you who like the comic but can't contribute to the patreon... if this is successful I might do a contest like this on the regular, but we'll have to see how many people go for it this time around.



John Doe

Welp, there you go, that's my entry : <a href="https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/4322828" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/4322828</a>