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Okay, this chapter is done! All of the suggestions for future Side Dishes stories will be preserved, but for this little section of the Side Dishes world the story is complete. If you are interested in seeing more of the Vampire Hunting world, though, please suggest a new story in this setting. For now, within this setting the girls have captured (but not killed) the Nunpire, and Karen and Lily have been turned into futas. I also assume that Jenna's cock will have shrunk to a more natural size, so if you want to suggest a story idea where she still has the massive dick please clarify... if not I'll assume any suggestions are for her normal dick size. As a reminder, here are the story ideas suggested so far for new settings. A personality-flipped Dom version of Jenna runs a raider gang in a post-apocalyptic future Jenna and the girls are researchers on a space station (wearing tight fitting zero suits) where they encounter a tentacle monster alien A post-apocalyptic setting with Jenna searching for her long-lost Mother, who is the leader of a group of futanari mutants A Scooby-Doo Parody, with Jenna using a disguise to have fun with the other female characters An Indiana-Jones style story, with Jenna and the Nun exploring a tomb witha mummy version of Dr. Feelgood inside Lily is a wanted pirate who finds herself on a deserted island inhabited by the "Foo-Tah" tribe of be-cocked women. A Blade Runner parody, with Lily investing Jenna and the nun to see if they are futa-droids in disguise I'm actual partial to one particular idea, but I don't want to skew the voting by mentioning it. But even if it doesn't win I might draw up some kind of pinup for the idea.



Quinn Adlard

I can't wait to see what happens. They don't have balls. idk if that was part of the poll or not. Maybe a ball no vote option in the future. it doesn't really matter i guess more of just to clarify thing.


Ah well for me it was just a reference to the main comic where they had dicks but no balls during Jenna's dream sequence. But if we continue the vampire story I might just say that their balls haven't grown in yet...


Ok..an idea to link the vampire story (2nd chapter) with one (or more) of the suggested alternatives (a sort of: Vampire Hunting: Generations). First of all, did we really have a vampire story here? :p I mean...except for the Hypno-power, we had no actual vampy action. So here's my suggestion. In this last page the girls are wondering if their new "addons" would be good for hunting vapires: well, Jenna do the test on the unconscious nunpire, staking her in the ass and lifting her. However her orgasm shrinks her cock to its previous size, so she can't support the nunpire's weight any more. The nunpire frees herself, blocks Karen and Lily with a spell and bites Jenna (some vampire action :p), while having sex with her (optional). Then she runs away...the 2 girls (free again) wake up Jenna but she is turning already into a vampire. At this point, Jenna's mother shows up and tell the girls that, in order to save Jenna, they must fill her with their human cum before the transformation is complete...so...etc etc. :D Jenna is saved and the group agrees on a statement: this will be a long hunt. So we can see Jenna and the girls' descendants (who look exactly like their ancestors :p) in future times, hunting for the nunpire (in actual days) or in the future (which I would prefer ^^) boarding a "ghost space station", wearing tight fitting zero suits and hunting the space-nunpire (with Kat and tentacles monsters included) :))


That is something I noticed... despite the overwhelming support for the vampire story setting, no one once suggested any biting.