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It's been a while since I uploaded a colored money shot page to the comic, so I figured it was about time I did another one. This page took a lot longer to color than I initially intended but I'm really pleased with the results, and hopefully you all are too. We're still looking for suggestions for the Valentine's pinup giveaway. Voting will start tomorrow, to end on Valentine's day. I already have a pinup drawn to go up on Valentine's day, but the pinup elected will go up as soon as possible after that. Plus we're ready to start up a new chapter of Side Dishes, so get your votes in now to help guide how the comic will continue! http://www.poll-maker.com/poll238112xaaf14bF0-9 Also I've been wondering whether we should do a cover illustration for the new chapter. On the one hand that sort of thing usually looks good, but I'm also concerned that some readers might want to just get to the sex as soon as possible. So I created a poll for that as well! http://www.poll-maker.com/poll238114xdc786Fdf-9



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