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I usually don't involve more than 4 people in a sex scene, mostly because it's just hard to keep track of all the bodies, or to lay out interactions between the characters. I'm always amazed when I see some artists drawing huge orgy scenes... crowd scenes are hard enough even if it's just a bunch of characters standing next to each other, but needing to put them all in sexy positions with legs and arms intertwined is just nuts. You might recall that I've had more than one chapter where the "crowd" was just a bunch of black silhouettes in the background...



Extremist Comics

I wrote some scripts recently where a roomful of people are fucking and in both I tried to make it clear for the artist what at least some of them were doing, so they didn't have to imagine it all on their own, and it's pretty rough. It's hard sometimes to keep in mind that anything I don't mention might not end up being there, when I can see it all in my head.


Blue Plate Special with a Blue Demon. I love it