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The second page of Side Dishes this week! For anyone who didn't read the author's comments yesterday, Kenneth (who writes the Side Dishes 2-II series) has asked me to forego drawing him the SD 2-II pages I owe him in favor of drawing more pages for this series. So look forward to two pages a week for the rest of this series.




Holy shit, this is fantastic! I thought the last page was good but damn! Thank you Trans, these have looked amazing! And thank you Kenneth! Love the places your mind is going.

Enigmatic Entity

Wow. Just wow. When you think you’ve seen it all, this comes along. “You’re getting my balls pregnant!” Never thought I’d ever hear someone say that. Excellent work!


"You're getting my balls pregnant." I never thought such a line would be a turn on, and yet I like the sound of that. Thanks for giving me a fetish I never knew I had.


Wonderful! Just, wonderful! There is no getting off this train now! We're riding it all the way! And I'm glad to see folks have liked my small contribution to this conclusion. I saw the opportunity to push for something new. So I'm honored by its positive reception!


Glad you like it! The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.


Someone needs to put "You're getting my balls pregnant" on a shirt.


I gotta jump on the bandwagon and say that “You’re getting my balls pregnant!” might be one of the best things to happen in this comic. You have to do something like this again in the future.