9-17 (Patreon)
2015-03-11 00:18:59
I'm always a bit nervous about focusing too much on such extreme fetishes like this... they definitely have their fans but I worry about focusing too much on extreme stuff like this in case it turns off fans who are more vanilla in their tastes. Although I think it's better to have a bit of a reputation for covering a lot of different fetishes, instead of just being known for one thing that repeats ad nauseam. Although it also adds the trouble of how to cover all the potential fetishes the story could eventually touch on.
Also, we're working our way up on our Patreon! We're at about $250 a month now... if we can get up to $300 we'll start having new updates every Sunday from renowned hentai artist Rainbow-Flyer (http://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/rainbow-flyer/profile). If you're really excited for the chance don't forget that any patrons that pledge $50 a month also get a full color two character commission every month.