BCC 26-19: PSD (Patreon)
2018-05-23 00:55:21
The latest chapter of Side Dishes has completed! You can see a couple pages of the current chapter right now at http://sidedishes.the-comic.org , but the full story is 76 full color pages, and it's all available right now to anyone who pledges any amount to patreon.com/bananacreamcake ! This is the longest chapter of anything I've ever produced, and it's full of a ton of variety and a few wild scenarios.
With that complete, I'm also planning to work on a Banana Shortcake short story. You might remember that series as the short fan comics I occasionally draw, such as the Harry Potter or Star Wars stories. Which story I draw next will be determined by a Patron poll, but I'm open to suggestions from anyone. So if you have an idea for a five page short comic, let me know and I might add it to the poll.