Bonus: Jenna by Rainbow-Flyer +SIDE DISHES VOTING (Patreon)
2015-03-19 00:29:19
Another pinup from Rainbow-Flyer! We're steadily working our way up on Patreon, and once we reach $300/month Rainbow Flyer will update a new full-colored comic page every Sunday. For the next couple days we'll be uploading a few more pinups and other odds and ends, but if you just can't wait to see more BCC don't forget that $5+ Patrons gain access to pages more than a week in advance.
We've also set up another poll for Side Dishes. We've had a lot of great ideas and suggestions for the story as we continue, but not too much for what, specifically, should be happening next. But I'm glad to see so many great ideas and I think this chapter of Side Dishes is turning out a lot more interesting because of these kind of discussions.