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I struggled a bit for this cover... aside from some technical issues I had with the linework for the cover itself, I also had a hard time settling on what to focus on for the cover. I know that the cows are kind of the main attraction to this story, but I also wasn't sure how they were going to be portrayed in the comic itself, since the winning poll option was so open ended.

So that's where you come in:  it's time to come up with some ideas of what kind of story this is going to be. Should we have an overarching plot, or would you rather just focus on some vignettes of various activities around the farm? And what should the cows act like? Should they be crawling on all fours and totally animalistic, or would it be better to have them walking upright and speaking English? Hell, what do we even want them to look like? Should they just be humans wearing cow fetishwear, or actual furries, or what? I've even had a suggestion already where the cows would be centaur-like. There's a lot to figure out before we move forward, so don't be shy about posting any ideas you have, even if you don't have a suggestion for much more besides how you would like the cows portrayed.

I'll be accepting ideas until this coming Thursday, then we'll start another poll that will run until Sunday morning and continue on from there.




I think upright and speaking English is better than being on all fours and animalistic. Maybe for the Cows, and by extension the Bulls, they are people with animal traits (horns, tails, etc.) that work on the farm. People with different traits serve different roles. Could allow for variety in the Cows and Bulls, hell some of them could be Centaurs too. Maybe there is competition between the "livestock" over who is a superior Cow or Bull. As for actual plot, I think maybe just a day of going through life on the farm would work out well. Running through the various aspects of life on the Farm.


I think that the cows should speak in English, somewhat like a Minotaur but with human faces. For the main plot it could show various livestock and their day: milking, breeding, grazing etc. Maybe have a 'breeding bull' based on Jenna.


I kinda envisioned the cows as humanoids with digitigrade legs and partially furry (shoulders, back & ass) in a traditional cow print and maybe a bell round their necks and horns for the bulls and I think going through the daily grind of the farm would be the best way to fit lots of variety in (aka keep everyone happy)


<a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_tYXZDv7N-najBVTGRCLThwdFR6SFY3T0lKbndBRUhLVlFR/view?usp=sharing_eip&amp;ts=5b720769" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_tYXZDv7N-najBVTGRCLThwdFR6SFY3T0lKbndBRUhLVlFR/view?usp=sharing_eip&amp;ts=5b720769</a>


In the factory, besides the breeding activity, they might collect not only milk, but also cum, via sexual stimulation (so we might have "futa cows" too :p). I'd prefer human/humanoid characters, with real (or fake) horns and/or tails (I'm sending a few reference pics to TDDs because I don't know if I can post them here) ^^


Having the futa cows being milked as well as the female cows is a great idea.


This could fill the niche that the defunked Breeding Season H-Game left wide open, I'd love to see that story be touched on if possible. Ambar inherits a farm, but also debt, and needs to pay it back with the farm resources.


That would make for good motivation. Maybe the heifers aren't doing a good enough job of milking the bulls, so she has to do it herself.


I got some ideas I will send them once I get home, there ideas I was thinking on doing in C&amp;D way back.


I thought I left a comment... unless my browser glitched... I think you could have it be like amber giving a tour of the farm or something, could have a mix of human like characters, some furry characters, and then some futa centaurs for horses I do think they should be human like in personality, it could be like their jobs, but they also live on the farm.


So here's the idea the cowgirls have a lot of human traits to it except some maybe have spots a tail horns something similar to this and walk on all fours. <a href="https://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/Xinaelle/618704/Cow-Girl." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/Xinaelle/618704/Cow-Girl.</a> Now for Amber we are going to see her progress from a small farm to a big one. As she do many takes like her feeding her herd, milking there breast from various was like her mouth, hands, and strap them to a milk machine. As she does the same process with her bulls (futa cows). Maybe seeing Amber accidentally getting fuck by one of her bulls which could be Anastasia or daphne since she trying to work them up to breed with the other cows.


What if amber does all her tasks as normal but gets accidentally fucked by a futa bull and the next morning her breasts are bigger and she keeps getting accidentally fucked by the futa bulls and she slowly changes into a cow/futa bull herself over the course of the series