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When the winning poll suggestion was first shared I actually had some conflicting emotions about it. I felt like having the entire chapter planned out ahead of time was really against the spirit of Side Dishes, but I figured that I had never actually forbidden anyone to post anything like that (and at times I had actually encouraged people to post ideas that finalize a chapter, although always when the chapter is already underway), so I went ahead and accepted the, figuring that there's no way anyone was going to vote for it anyway. But not only did it win, it wasn't even close. This is pretty much the biggest landslide victory in Side Dishes.

And that got me starting to doubt Side Dishes entirely. The intent was to be a collaborative story that changes according to the wishes of the readers as it progresses, but it seems like that's not really what people want from the series.  At first my plan was just to begrudgingly draw this story and just overtly ban suggestions like that in the future, but considering how popular it is, maybe it's just a sign that people don't want Side Dishes stories the way I thought they would. Maybe it's just time to retire Side Dishes outright after this. Anyway, I'm trying to vocalize my thoughts on this without being too negative, but it is a little hard for me. I'm really not happy with this direction for the comic, but maybe I'm all alone in that opinion. I don't know what I want to do after this, but if this is how Side Dishes is going to go from here on out I feel like it's not really worth it. It's certainly more difficult for me to be excited for the story beyond this point.




Do you think part of the reason most people gravitated towards the full story option was because it was the most detailed? All the other options were generic and short with very little detail. I wonder if people simply saw what had the most going for it and voted for that.


That could be possible, I personally think the series has yet to find a format that works in the ideal way, However it should be tweaked not scrapped, still what you said while true does bring forth a separate issue, the lack of interest regarding suggestions after an idea is settled upon. It seems that only a very select few are interested in putting idea's forward after the initial plot is decided. Mainly people want to choose how things go down not to construct these events. I have already expressed this before but it is one of those things... It is more fun for most people to play a CYOA book then to be a D&D GM. I hope that makes sense xS


CGI, your comment about CYOA, I think is an excellent analogy for this and your point with regards to D&D is on the mark. For me I am a patreon for not just the artistry but for the content, plot, character development envisioned by Transmopher. I vote in the polls with characters I like in mind and typically will lean to a storyline already detailed out. I still own many CYOA books, and have yet to ever play D&D. All in all Transmopher, passion should be behind what you do. I figure that's a big reason you went down this road and started a Patreon. Why not make money off something you love doing. If scrapping side dishes leads to more BCC and allows that universe to expand I support that. Maybe evaluate taking a hiatus from side dishes and see how things unfold.


personnaly i think you should do suggestions for the theme of the comic and have another poll for the kink its going to b about and then u take it from there that way situtions like this happen less and to make more diverse so the same kink doesnt always win u cant have the same kink in the next 2 side dishes


Lots of good thoughts above. Can't really disagree with anything because it all has good points and merit. I suppose at the end of the day the whole Side Dishes project has always been a bit of a mixed bag. With some days/themes receiving tons of fan feedback and suggestions while other times it's a struggle to even get enough to make a decent voting roster. I can tell you from personal experience that you are never going to have a totally clear answer as to what "the fans want". The inherent nature of CYOA type stories are already very hit and miss but add in the variable of it being a sex oriented comic and a story can get derailed to the point that fan interest falls to almost zero. Maybe it might be worth it to just mothball the idea of the long form type Side-Dish stories for at least a while. And either focus more on doing the 8 to 10 page "Short Cakes" or just do more pages of the main story.


I have a bit of a controversial idea regarding the situation and the current chapter of Side Dishes. You have the main theme and initial scene established already. Amber is going to end up with Ana and then move down the list of the other girls from the suggestion. What if you go to the end of the segment with Ana and rather than continue with the story as per the voted story, you just have another poll to decide where it goes. You could even have the original path as an option if people want to stay the course. This way you could keep the choice and voting nature of side dishes but still somewhat stick to the full story that was chosen. And if there aren't many suggestions, throw in some of your own ideas! To be honest based on poll and comment participation I don't think the majority of people care as long as there is futa sex happening. This is just an idea if it will otherwise be difficult for you to continue this as planned. I would say maybe have another poll to see what people want (either continue the plan or allow votes after the initial scene) but this might be a situation where you have to make the call on your own. Because like Kenneth said, you won't be able to get a clear answer to what the fans want. Unless this causes there to be a huge turn our for people to vote which I doubt. And I doubt many people would care because the vast majority probably only care about BCC and nothing else.


I would say that would set a dangerous precedent for the future however the situation is unprecedented anyway and will never really happen again due to either a restructuring of SD's, SD's being shelved or this style of suggestion being ban in the future. So this actually does seem to most likely be the best thing for TDDS if the plan is to continue the story and be want to be engaged by it. Otherwise it could end up being a chore and nobody wants TDDS to feel like that. It is kind of strange though... you would think if people wanted complete stories they would of voted for another BSC after the previous one finished. Kenneth also has a point and shorter stories could also be a solution regarding interest as it does give a quicker cycle meaning that if an idea is less then stellar for TDDS the work is only a couple of months instead of like close to a year.

Pedro MG
