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The story is starting to move forward, but we're already at another poll. Now in case you didn't read the last winning poll option, or if I didn't really clarify enough in the comic... Amber's cock can shapeshift, going from fully human, to a sort of half-way size, and finally to huge equine size. They all affect how the women are changed... the human-cock transforms them into big-titted female cows, the middle form turns them into futa cows, and the equine cock turns them into more animalistic futa-bulls. I just wanted to give everyone a chance to offer any other suggestions, just in case those three aren't enough.




Sounds interesting. What do you mean appearance wise when you say “animalistic futa-bulls”? The first two forms sound straight forward enough, but the last option I’m having a hard time picturing it.


Something like that, I guess... <a href="https://cdnio.luscious.net/844/lusciousnet_277386_2126600429.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://cdnio.luscious.net/844/lusciousnet_277386_2126600429.jpg</a> or <a href="https://cdnio.luscious.net/912/draenei-001_1161937617.1024x0.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://cdnio.luscious.net/912/draenei-001_1161937617.1024x0.jpg</a> or <a href="https://s9v7j7a4.ssl.hwcdn.net/galleries/full/a6/96/25/a696259d953d118297e2424e3da11127/16.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://s9v7j7a4.ssl.hwcdn.net/galleries/full/a6/96/25/a696259d953d118297e2424e3da11127/16.jpg</a>


I hope she turns into a bull. I was thinking an idea where since Amber is the alpha and the creator her milk makes people lusting after her when they drink it.

Pedro MG

I think with animalistic futa mean like a minotaur female, more hairy and stud with muscles and stuff like that. Like Alinoris's third pic

Pedro MG

I dont know if too early but i think about the animalistics one , when their are transforming meaby will have a beast rage and try to rape Amber like hard fill in and other beasty things. So when the transformation is finish Amber 'll be so happy beacuse he feed their milk and semen. Like a vampire style you know, just and idea


I think the middle ground would make the best use of Ana's generous assets. A big cock for breeding and big breasts for milking.


Looking at everyone's comments here's my thoughts for the three possible transformation's appearances. 1.) Female cows: The affected woman's breast's more then double (possibly even triple) in size and begin to endlessly lactate. They also grow small horn nubs on their head and sprout a dairy cow tail. But apart from that little else changes. 2.) Futa cows: The women see a marked increase in breast size but not to the same extreme as the female-cow variety(lactation optional). Additionally, their over-all height/build noticeably increases and they take on a mildly toned musculature. The biggest change is the appearance of a large cock that varies in size depending on the affected woman and how much cum Amber pumps into them. They also have more pronounced horns and a similar cow tail. 3.) Futa bulls: The affected woman sees a breast size increase that can range from as large as the female cow variant to slightly smaller then the basic futa type. A much greater change in height occurs and their overall build is outright muscular. The potential cock they grow is easily larger then Amber or the two other variants. But most notably their lower body gains several Minotauress/Draenei like aspects complete with hooves. Additionally they gain a pair of very pronounced horns, their ears become more cow-like, and they also grow the cow tail.

Pedro MG

Anastasia always has a big cock, so why now she can has just big assets and a cow tail, miliking a lot with her melons