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This is pretty much the end to this sex scene, but we've still got more to see in this chapter. I think you can guess who Jenna plans to talk to lol Also my day yesterday was kind of wild... I had to take my car in because it got a wicked bad transmission fluid leak. Getting it all taken care of ended up costing about $150, so I'm a bit short on money this month, but it's not as bad as it could have been. I was worried that there was a problem with the transmission itself, but luckily it was just a cracked pan, which is far less expensive to replace.




Huh, wasn't expecting that kind of reaction from Helen. I thought she was going to just be like "Guess I'm like this now," given how most characters in the comic would probably react. This certainly makes things a lot more interesting!


I for one hope that these transformations/changes the characters have undergone never get a option of reversal. Would definitely provide some solid consequences to Jenna’s actions in the story, with there being “no take backs” once the changes have occurred.


Helen is a special case though in that what would have taken dozens of loads of Jenna's cum to get to that stage for others only took a few here. This wasn't a normal transformation like the others. Maybe since the others were much slower and incremental over time they end up being permanent. Whereas since Helen's was so fast and sudden it could potentially be reversed still. The candle that burns twice as bright, burns half as long and all that. Plus there are already some pretty hefty consequences to her actions. Four women, including her own daughter, have been impregnated by or as a result of her. Depending on how you look at it, I would argue that those are worse situations than being turned into a bimbo.