Bonus: Inara Bio: Low-Res Early Access (Patreon)
2018-09-18 22:57:07
2018-09-19 16:51:48
So I didn't have enough time today to work on a full comic page, so I went for my go-to and did a character bio instead, this time focused on Inara. I actually struggled a bit deciding which character to write the bio for today, since there aren't a lot of important players left who need bios. But Inara won out for a combination of the fact that I actually had thought pretty extensively about her character history already, and I also didn't have a solid plan for any way to reveal all this information in the comic itself. I had joked before that she's blonde with blue eyes because she came from the same tribe as Elena from Street Fighter, which honestly was just a joke, but that's also why she's Kenyan. When looking up Kenyan surnames, I saw that traditionally Kenyan's were named after where or when they were born, as opposed to sharing family surnames. So Inara's last name, if I got it right, means "born near white people", since she was born in a Christian family who lived near missionaries.
You may recognize the outfit she's wearing as the wrestling costume that was designed by Pillow Princess. When she wrestled she also wore a mask, but I didn't include the mask in this pinup since I wanted it to work better as a standalone Inara pinup, so seeing her full face really helped with that.