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So if you ever wondered why Jenna's father isn't a character in the comic, now you know why. And we're also setting up more agency from Jenna herself, and I'm sure everyone has some idea of what this could lead to. I do find it interesting that some readers, at times, think that Bianca is an outright villain, and while she's certainly a morally grey character, she does legitmately love and care about her family.



Pedro MG

So Jenna's father dont gonna have any ocurrence in the story, meaby a little interaction with Jenna. I dont know meaby they could meet each other by a magic curse or something like that. I always had curiosity about him and how he was.


My biggest takeaway from this is that Bianca seemed to actually care about her husband. From her Bio I got the impression that it was more so about a power play than romance.


The timing for Bianca saying this is just so perfect. It's easy to understand why she's said so little to Jenna, but at the same time, Jenna's perfectly justified frustration makes just as much sense.