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Helen is an interesting character to draw, because the original point of her character was to be fairly plain looking to avoid having fans show interest in seeing anyone have sex with her. But her reaction to Cassandra's abuse way back in chapter 16 made her much cuter in the eyes of the fans, despite her deliberately plain appearance. But I've also struggled to give her an identity of her own... Hannah was already a short brunette who was plain in comparison to the bombshell bodies of the other girls, but still really cute and sexy in her own right, with the difference being that Hannah was deliberately designed to be that. I've tried to keep Helen's body type still pretty... plain and simple. She has a bit of a bulbous nose... not enough to be like... "goofy" looking, but enough to stand out and be cute in its own way. It's interesting because I occasionally have background characters I draw with the intent of having them become semi-regulars, but they never quite take off with fans the same way. Going back to chapter 16, the Japanese girl Ai was fuly intended to be recurring background character, and she has appeared a few more times, but she didn't get as much interest from readers as the other girls. I find it kind of interesting that both Cassandra and Helen were kind of designed to be characters that fans wouldn't be interested in seeing more of, but my attempts to do so had the exact opposite effect... I've already described what happened with Helen, but Cassandra was also kind of designed to be as aggressively mean and unpleasant as possible because I thought that would make her an unlikeable character that people would like to get away from, but I misfired on the writing/design and she ended up being one of those characters that people kind of love to hate and want to see her punished.



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