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This pinup has been a massive headache all day. It's another of those cosplay marker commissions I've been getting, and it's been giving me nothing but trouble all day. First of all, the client and I had settled on this design through a fairly long email conversation, and I thought I had kept notes on all the little details he had settled on... but that whole conversation was like... two months ago, since some stuff had come up in his life so he wasn't able to afford another commission until recently. But when it came time to start on it I couldn't find my saved notes. I must have saved over them or deleted them at some point when I was trying to clean up redundant files. But there also wasn't just one point in our conversation where all the details he wanted were in one convenient place, and he couldn't quite remember exactly what all he wanted. So he went through our email conversation and found screenshots clarifying what costume he wanted Hannah in and a few extra details. So when I finally got him the pencils he approved everything, but he wanted her to have an ammo belt. So since he had approved everything else I started inking the rest of the piece and drew in the belt on the pencils and sent it to him to make sure I understood what he meant... but after I had started inking (and after he had approved the pencils), he started remembering more details that he wanted but forgot to ask for the second time around. He wanted a different gun, he wanted additional details or changes to her costume, and I was already half-way through inking. It turned into a bit of a communication breakdown as I realized I would have to just scrap everything I had done and start over if he wanted all those changes, but he eventually decided to just keep going with what we had.

And that would have been a simple, if annoying problem of miscommunication... until I got to coloring it and got in too much of a rush to try and get it over with, since my initial plan was just to get this done early and try to get some more art done, since I wanted to make up for taking two days off this week. So when it came time to color er stockings... I got sloppy and forgot to color the holes in her stocking differently. I tried to fix it by putting more flesh tones there, but it really made things look worse. So now a minor error that would take a minute or less to fix digitally means that, at some point in the future, I'm going to have to completely redraw this whole thing. 

Suffice to say, unless I have a really compelling reason to in the future, I'm not going to be taking on any more marker commissions. I had to buy more markers just to have enough colors to do the amount of commissions that I have been, but it doesn't really feel like enough to justify how much extra effort it takes to produce pinups that, personally, I think look much worse than digital. Plus it sucks that this specific pinup, which has been a headache for weeks, not just from the errors in making it, but also because I just think it's a bad idea for a pinup to begin with (in case you didn't recognize it, she's dressed as one of the random nuns from that Hitman trailer, except with arbitrary changes to her costume that don't have any real significance to anything). Of all the things to have to draw twice, this is probably the last thing I would want to do. But it's entirely my fault for rushing and screwing up a really big, ugly detail. I was hoping and praying the whole time that he would just say, "no, it's good enough", but that was just a selfish desire on my part...

Anyway, I mentioned that I was going to try and get more art done today, but honestly this has been so demoralizing that I just don't have the energy to draw anything else. I hate that I'm going to have to spend another day at some point in the future correcting my mistake and I'm not going to get paid for this. I honestly didn't even really want to upload this anywhere, but I felt bad about going without any Patreon updates, especially with all the new patrons coming in, that I've decided to share this piece and explain why I'm not happy with it.



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