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Is anyone there? We haven't gotten a single comment in the past couple days... it's just kind of surprising because hits and everything is up and I just find it a bit surprising to not get any fresh comments on the start of a new chapter. This is another page that's helped a lot by suggestions from Patrons. There's been a lot of push for orgasm denial on Jenna, so this sequence was originally a sort of small moment in this chapter, but now Jenna's orgasm denial is going to be a larger part of this chapter.



John Doe

Yeah, sorry about that. Speaking for myself, I was real busy with IRL stuff so I just checked what happened here and then went back to work, like a lurking nincompoop.


Just found your work yesterday. It is the best thing I have seen in a long time ñ.ñ. Really awesome.

Jens Lønberg Nielsen

Me sorry, me lurk so much. And dang, you used to have just one patreon, and now look at you. :)