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Cassandra and Anastasia aren't quite finished, but their scene will be winding down from here on. We've still got a lot of stuff to get through with Jenna and Kat, since that's technically the main point of the chapter. We're still going to check back on them at some point, but for the most part Jenna's going to be the star of the rest of this chapter.

Also, there's still one more day left to vote on the upcoming chapter of Banana Shortcake. The Star Whores story is still in the lead, so if it does we'll have to come up with a name and design for Ahsoka's daughter...




Great page! :) About this scene about to wind down from now on...damn, I hoped for Ana to explore also Cassandra's..."second passage", to ultimately dominate her, but probably that would make the chapter too long, I guess ^^