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I get the feeling that this is going to make a select section of readers extremely happy, and I hope the weirdness of the upcoming sex scene isn't too much of a turnoff for anyone else. This is something I haven't really done before because it's just such a stretch of logic... but honestly that's a dumb reason not to do something especially in this comic where the whole point is to introduce magic to excuse otherwise impossible sex acts like this.




If I recall right you have done this once before in the BCC story. Very early on when we were just getting to know Anastasia and Bianca. When they had their little “hate fuck” scene Bianca did this on Ana. Was actually one of the things that really caught my attention regarding your comic because of how rare it is in western comics. Glad to see it making a return!


Yeah, it was something I could wrap my head around more easily since Anastasia's cock is just sooooo much bigger than Bianca's, but this is the first time that I can think of where I'm attempting it where both tools in use are close to the same size