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Oh snap, an early access page going up before the main page for a change? Pretty crazy, right? Anyway, I figured you can't have a girl grow like Trixie did and not show her squeezed into much-too-small clothing for at least a little bit. She'll definitely be back, but there's just so much on the roster that we want to show that I'm not sure just how long it's going to be before she gets her next moment in the spotlight...




Trixie turned out fantastic! Great new look for her! And shoot, I would have been fine if you had given her an even bigger belly. But I guess that will leave opportunities open further down the road! And yes indeed, always fun to have a gal trying to fit into overly small clothing! I kind of like the idea that she never really wears proper fitting clothing again due to various reasons. I'm also curious to see what Lily has planned for the jug o' cream.


it was about lily having an idea 2 have trixie give banana milk, have them keep working jenna's cock like crazy and they will need 2 jugs like is gave in this picture, 1 2 feed trixie so she can be milked and 1 for the cream to fill the cakes with. jenna cant make enuff cum so lily tricks jenna into stuffing dairy hgh hormones up her cock and into her balls by telling her its a lubricant to help her cum easier. but lily knows it will only make her dick and balls grow bigger and produce the amount she needs. problem is trixie is also swallowing the hgh laced cum so her boobs and belly also keep getting bigger,and her appetite 4 the cum is growing more and more! when jenna grows big enuff to make the 2 jugs with ease, with plenty left by the way, trixie drinks 1 of the jugs 4 herself. but lily leaves the room 4 a minute and trixie drinks the other jug too!! trixie body is starting to shake and quake getting ready to grow, lily gets scared and runs 2 find help b4 she explodes, but trixie has another plan after lily leaves. im not full yet she says and starts 2 suck jennas cock with all her might. trixie starts 2 grow and grow, and jennas balls just keep producing more and more cum 4 trixie 2 drink jenna cant stop cumming and trixie just keeps drinking who knows how big they'll both grow b4 lily gets back!!!


Sorry, but unfortunately this chapter is already ending and we've got too much planned and scripted to really use such a specific idea. If you're interested in seeing a particular fetish or idea used it's better to go with something that has less specifics so that we can more easily integrate your suggestions into the plot wherever they might fit best.